Thursday, 5 March 2009

Fools rush in

The weather has again turned a few notches down in the last few days. I suppose it's the cold season having one last big heave before the spring makes it's proper entrance. This week we actually had brief periods of hail storm! Today the sun is shining.

Gina and I  have finally chosen the plants for the garden, which will be a barrier to the bees' flight path (straight into the main part of our garden). The plants we chose are Photinia (red robin) and  Pittosporum. Both are of GAS quality (Gina Approves Standard). 

As the both plans are too tall of our car we are having them delivered. When we first moved into this home eight years ago I planted a pear tree and in the early years I shaped it into an espalier. It now stood nicely against the bottom wall of our garden and gives us lots of pears every year. The bees will love it.  The new plants we are getting will need regular pruning, to keep it at reasonable height, I am looking forward to shaping these.

Last night's bee class was devoted entirely to bee diseases. We were told about some of the major diseases and what to do if they occur, and had a look at some Varroa mites under a microscope. They look nasty. Their life cycle is so dove tailed to the development of the bees it's truly amazing. Beekeeping must be one of the very few hobby that requires you to be knowledgeable about the downside (disease, swarming ect)  before you actually have the fun bit (honey). Focusing so much on disease has inevitably taken its toll on our class, a number of people are rethinking about keeping bees as a hobby. My moto here is " where angel fear to tread...". Sometime there is worse thing in life then being a fool.

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