Sunday, 31 May 2009

Are we there yet?

Two of my friends, who follow this blog, complained that I haven't written anything since 18th May. Sorry about that. I simple truth is that I have nothing to say because my bees are still not here yet. The delivery date (last Saturday) came and gone. My beeman is most apologetic saying that I am near to the the top of his list for a delivery; weather is to blame. To be fair it had been very changeable and I also know that there is a rise in demand in bees, so I just to be patient.

I am, once again, expecting the little darlings to be here next Saturday on the 6th May. We shall see. The weather is very good at the moment; today we must be near the high 20 degree C. so fingers cross. We just spent the last three lovely days down by the cost camping at my friends' garden. Jane, my beekeeping friend, her bees are not doing too well. The swarm I mentioned (in a earlier blog) had not stay. The other hive is still queenless so there is a fair bit to do yet.

I shall contact my beeman later this week lets hope the news is good.

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